Love Is ...
Love is always the overlaying message. The purpose and our mission is to carry the peace of God/Spirit within us and share that to all. We do that by extending this message of love and peace through living our lives as an example. In the day to day living, constantly reminding ourselves that we have the free will decision making ability to choose peace, to choose love and to not respond to the ego's demands of separation.
In unity and seeing each person as an extension of self. Knowing that by judging others we are ultimately judging ourselves. In kind, it is through forgiveness of others that we find the salvation for ourselves.
What is ego's purpose? To instill fear and find any means to justify our actions and reactions through guilt, anxiety and fear that creates and maintains the illusion that we are separate from Source.
The Holy Spirit/Divine Essence which when called in to our lives, uses the tools that the ego has created to intervene and show us the lessons that we are really one. In order to replace the loud shrill voice of ego - we learn to replace our thoughts of attack with those of love and peace. So that we can then hear the quite voice of Love instead.