We are here for the Ride!
Place the Future in the hands of God/Spirit. We are relieved of the responsibility of creation - We are here for the ride -
The journey is about sharing love, sharing ourselves fully and being present to delight in the experiences that are placed before us. If we go into the journey with trepidation, then we are not trusting our inner most self (Holy Spirit) to guide us - we are trying (keyword) to make it happen.
Making it happen is NOT what it's about. It's about watching
what unfolds with the vision/guidance of Love. It is the Faith that moves mountains not our pushing against it.
Pretend you are on a sight seeing boat, lazily floating and watching what scenes are going by. Know that you can stop the boat at anytime to get off and experience, just by stepping into the scene.
The scene is not created by you, but your choice is the wonder and enjoyment of it. Or you can choose to be judgmental thinking you can fix it. You cannot fix it, you can only choose to be the observer of it. The emotion in which you enter this scene with (love or fear), is what determines how you will experience it.
The same scene seen through the eyes of Love will draw your attention to those elements which are loving, fun and evolving. The scene which is viewed with the predisposition of fear will draw your attention to what you feel is lacking, unkind and destructive.
Our life is this scene, our perception is the flow of life and the miracles occur when you shift from fear to love. Everything is already there, it's just your focus that has shifted, making all seem different and new.
Decide now, how will you see the scenery as dull, lifeless and uninspiring or full of synchronicity, excitement, joy and loving.