"TABULA RASA" - A new beginning
Today, we paint with our thoughts the scenery of joy, we wipe the slate clean and start with the "Tabula Rasa", the white board.
Pink overlays a glow, creating the blue of the sky, adding music and sounds of nature, the tinkle of water flowing, a cry from a hawk, birds twittering, muffled voices carry over the waters - transmitted through the whole scene to be delivered to distant shores.
Using the grids of the Earth, the net of Lighthouses that receive and relay the light signals, travelling through the water pathways, connecting to vortices of the land. A blanket of golden energized vibrations, Christed energies surrounding the Earth. Solar flares touch the grids adding their cosmic flow of blessings and adding to the overturning and tipping point to Love.
The shifts are felt by all the creatures of the Earth. Feeling the tremble from deep within the very core of Gaia. She who is our Mother, guardian and life force.
She trembles feeling the waves of joy in an ecstasy, rippling outwards once more from her core through the soles of our feet, up through the crown and into the Universal Heart of the Magus.
Joining in a never ending circle of always present replenishing energy. Filling us with love and spreading blessings back to the central core of Unity and Galactic Love.
We are complete in this phase of Galactic Universal connection, and now to see the effects unfold in magnificence upon the Earth and her creatures. We will now begin to see the effects of this transformation.
Our lives will be better, our Earth will be raised in consciousness, Peace of Mind and all lessons the Holy Spirit will impart to us. A sharing in the direction of He who made all things.
Forgiveness - Compassion - Peace - Love - Miracles - Revelations