Power Within
Today is the day to state your declarations and move those obstacles, fears and mountains out of your way!! Assume the power within, walk and talk through your "I AM" Presence.
Even as you feel the fears are overwhelming you, this is the sign that you are expanding, moving forward, leaving your comfort zone and reaching out for all the abundance, love and prosperity that is waiting for you.
Don't stop now - take one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. Allow your angels in to support, love and guide you. Ask Archangel Michael - "Come to Me! Give me your protection, strength and courage, walk before me and clear my path!"
Fears are the EGO (Edge God Out) that is preventing you from obtaining all that is yours! Speak to your fear,
"I DECLARE that from this day forward I will experience a new sense of freedom, a new happiness, and a new fulfillment.

For you are blessed at every moment of every day.
Mariann Moore