When people talk about "Leaps of Faith", what image does that bring to mind? A woman leaping off a cliff, someone free falling, Indiana Jones stepping blindly to reach the Holy Grail?
No one describes the moment of sheer terror, that you face as you make that decision. How your heart beats wildly, you hold your breath, a feeling that all muscles are tensed and ready to turn tail and run for the hills?
Yet, for you to have gotten to this point there must have been an underlying urge to just break free of all limitations, fears, bonds and boundaries. A desire so great, for you to achieve and strive for something more than you have ever dared to experience before.
It is this hope, this driving inspirations, that will take you to the very edge and brink of fear and yet still urge you forward to take that Leap. It is in this moment, when your higher self and connection to Source is at its strongest and a feeling of clarity, passion, and strength is given to you. It overrides and outweighs all the Ego driven fears and self-limiting beliefs. You feel you cannot wait one moment longer to be able to feel the vibrations of freedom and liberation.
There is a portal that is contributing energies from our Cosmic Center that is creating the doorway for our expansion and urging us to make the choice of following our heart, our intuition, and our passion towards our soul's path, purpose, and mission. To take our rightful place in the Divine's Plan for us.
What is calling to you? Is it saying, "There must be something better than this?" It is about the discovery and implementation of our unique gifts, coupled with our passionate desire to be of service with a higher altruistic goal that takes us on the journey to living in our Genius Zone!
Your Genius Zone is about living joyfully in doing what you love to do and lights the fires of passion within you. A flow of experiences that confirms you have found your path.
To learn more about how to identify your unique gifts visit www.MariannMoore.com and subscribe to receive this information.