There is only one answer - LOVE
The basis of today's message is about our connection to Source, which lights the path to Love. Love of self, first and foremost. A commitment to our own spiritual practice. If you have not created a ritual for yourself to connect daily; it is vital you do so. Through the daily connection to Love you can come into the Oneness of that which is Love.
As this spreads out into all aspects of your life, Abundance, Fertility and Relationships with others. Our relationships allow for Miracles to happen in our life. By changing our perception and seeing through the lens of Love, we allow this love to extend out into our relationships to all others, including our self. We find the vehicle and the Secret to using and working with the Law of Attraction.
The truth lies in our connections to Love and allowing it to flow as compassion and forgiveness to those who Love has brought into our lives with lessons. These lessons only serve to bring us clarity of Truth that we wish to embody in our Earthly life.
We know as Spirit that Love is the only answer to all questions. to embody love, to share love and non-judgment in our daily practice of the Principles of Unconditional Love is to experience the truth that is God/Spirit. It will reflect itself in the mirror of reality which is the World around us.
We only see the reflection of that which we are and embody. If we are love then Love, in all it's aspects will be reflected. We have the opportunity to experience the miracles of Love through each and every encounter with another being. Knowing we are one, the other is only a reflection of ourselves.
You have come through a portal of transformation, each step taking you closer to the realization that there is only One - One self - One Love - Oneness is the awareness of the totality that Spirit expresses to us each and every moment in the Eternal - where no time or space exist only Love only the moment of Now.