Miracles At Work
There are no order in Miracles. Miracles are a change in perception. You can chose to see yourself as a small, limited person or you can chose to see yourself as one united with the One which is an ever present essence within you.
All perception when turned inward instead of focused on the outside world will lead you to the Truth. "No one can fail who seek to reach the Truth." ACIM Lesson 131.
What is the "Truth"? It is undefinable as each one of us will find his/her own, as he/she resides within the mind of God. we are but the thought within the mind of the Divine. Therefore, never can we be apart from that which we are. However, we can create blocks to our own perception of this Truth, and delude ourselves into thinking that the answers we seek to our illusory problems are outside of ourselves. For we are not our bodies, this is only a thought that keeps us separate from All That Is.
In the moment of closing your eyes, taking a few deep breaths and calming the chatter of the ego mind; we find the presence of stillness that lies within us. This place of Peace, has no time, all is effortless, you are open to whatever comes with curiosity in seeing what unfolds.
Practice for today - 5 Steps to help "Staying Present"
1) Today I choose happiness.
2) Ask Spirit: What would you have me do?
Where would you have me go?
What would you have me say? and to Who?
3) Holy Spirit I give you this day. I put it into your hands,
knowing I am safe and always cared for.
4) I ask for peace of mind, knowing it's my Divine right as a
child of God.
5) Create a gratitude list.