You Are Inherently Worthy

There is nothing that is required of you. There is nothing you MUST do. That is the Ego's way of convincing you that you must earn Love. So, if you must DO something to earn love then it implies that you are inherently "unworthy" until you do certain things to become worthy.
Spirit does not demand you "do" or "be" anything, because you are inherently worthy of all because you are not separate in the mind of God. There is nothing to be unworthy of, because you already have been given everything.
If you already have something why would you have to do something to get it or prove that you deserve what has already been given.
You have always had everything because you Are Loved & Are Love & Love is everything and will never be taken away. So go forth, without fear, because nothing given in love can be taken away. You can give freely of the same to others and will never be without it.
By sharing love, you don't lose it on the contrary you expand it. It will grow stronger and brighter within you and the world.